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Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

mahamba bantik

mahamba bantik adalah tarian khas dari salah satu duku di sulawesi utara yang bernama suku bantik penyebaran suku bantik tersebar di berbagai tempat di sulawesi utara seperti di malalayang,molas dan di ongkaw dan boyong
karena tempat mereka yang sejak dulu keluarga berkeluarga suku bantik yang saling menjauhi maka sjak dulu mereka sering melakukan sejinis acara temu kangen  yang sering diadakan untuk mempertemukan suku sukku bantik dari berbagai tempat
tarian mahamba bantik yang merupakan tarian wajib yang akan selalu hadir dalam  perayaan tersebut karena tarian ini menceritakan tentang kerinduan kepada sanak saudara dan syukur karena telah bertemu dgn keluarga srta syukur atas  berkat yang diterima seperti hasil panen

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013


Kabasaran is a war dance. Lifting or glorify war into works of aesthetic, it gives an idea of ​​society itself. It was an expression of the character and values ​​of the culture.
Pqda warrant first even masyaraskat minahasa still use ancient magic power of opo (called gods) are worshiped by the ancient minahasas in doing this because once this is done not for the art but really for the war.
Attributes used from the dancers once did a head / skull native of bicycle casualties as more ancient skull dimiliknya then he will be in fear and respect.

Yes, war is indeed very noble creed diluhurkan as to people who are brave and strong for truth and justice. Dr. ABMeyer, a wealthy socio-cultural researchers Minahasa, in a report to draw conclusions: War is part of the old Minahasa culture format!
But after Christianity came the animistic culture which embraced the minahasa kunu have started at left, and attributes that are in use only an ornament that is a picture masalalu and attractions that exist only for the sake of art.

Dance Kabasaran also perpetuate rituals in the past it was done
tou Minahasa ancestors whenever they want to fight. Dance Kabasaran so familiar in everyday life the old Minahasa. This military dance ceremonies graced almost all the human life cycle. Starting from birth, cast out demons, marriage, until the burial of the dead. Similarly, to pick up and escort customary for government officials or public figures. Also in bringing workers to the workplace Mapalus

Minggu, 10 Februari 2013


Kabasaran is a war dance. Lifting or glorify war into works of aesthetic, it gives an idea of ​​society itself. It was an expression of the character and values ​​of the culture.
Pqda warrant first even masyaraskat minahasa still use ancient magic power of opo (called gods) are worshiped by the ancient minahasas in doing this because once this is done not for the art but really for the war.
Attributes used from the dancers once did a head / skull native of bicycle casualties as more ancient skull dimiliknya then he will be in fear and respect.

Yes, war is indeed very noble creed diluhurkan as to people who are brave and strong for truth and justice. Dr. ABMeyer, a wealthy socio-cultural researchers Minahasa, in a report to draw conclusions: War is part of the old Minahasa culture format!
But after Christianity came the animistic culture which embraced the minahasa kunu have started at left, and attributes that are in use only an ornament that is a picture masalalu and attractions that exist only for the sake of art.

Dance Kabasaran also perpetuate rituals in the past it was done
tou Minahasa ancestors whenever they want to fight. Dance Kabasaran so familiar in everyday life the old Minahasa. This military dance ceremonies graced almost all the human life cycle. Starting from birth, cast out demons, marriage, until the burial of the dead. Similarly, to pick up and escort customary for government officials or public figures. Also in bringing workers to the workplace Mapalus

Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

HPN special event in manado

MANADO - Exhibition held in Manado Town Square (Mantos), Manado, North Sulawesi as a series of National Press Day (HPN), Saturday (9/2) also enlivened student elementary school (SD). As a form of extra-curricular activities, these students arrived, accompanied by a teacher."This opportunity is extremely rare.'s Why, for ektrakurikuler activities, we encourage our students to get information about the world of journalists," said Adam Yusni, Elementary School sixth grade teacher I Kuppi Bitung City on the sidelines of a visit to the exhibition on Saturday (9/2 ).Jawa Pos National Network (JPNN) also graced the occasion is not lost HPN Yusni visit with students. Stand JPNN adjacent to Manado Post gives its own charm.10 caricatures of the work of cartoonist Ifoed Indopos (JPNN Group) which exhibited the students attention. However, the most preferred is the caricature of the Minister of Education and Culture, Muh Nuh together with the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Mahfud MD.Picking up a pen, red white uniformed student is writing his observations. "So every student should write what diamatainya. In class, we will discuss both in accordance with the observations he noted," continued Yusni.Caricature was published in Indopos illustrates the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) who cancel Article 50 paragraph 3 of Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System (Education), which became the basis of the establishment of Pilot International Standard School (RSBI) and International Standard School (SBI ). That is where RSBI and SBI abolished in education in Indonesia.Meanwhile, Syarifah Dopong also fifth grade elementary school teacher NI Kuppi said besides making this exhibition to learn, the students are also invited to relax. "We expect from this activity, children can learn the history of the press. Earlier also we visit home stand Ministry of Communication and Information," he saidBesides sharing booth booth of districts and provinces in Indonesia also add fanfare to show the uniqueness of each region they each, in addition to adding this knowledge can also be a medium of learning for people in North Sulawesi, especially manado"This unique event could be the new destination for children manado create too cool to hang out besides broaden" the student pressed fatek UNSRATIn addition to several Star keehadiran conference in Manado as "Jeremi Teti" (SCTV news anchor who also menambahkeriuhan is in mantos (so Manado town squar in brief)

Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

waruga peninggalan megalitikum masyarakat minahasa


Waruga first appeared in the hill Kelewer, Treman and Tumaluntung North Minahasa regency (minut) and growing in various areas in North Sulawesi until the early 20th century AD.According to historical records, derived from Tombulu waruga, from Wale Maruga word meaning house of the body to be dry. Meanwhile, in another sense, namely Wale Waru or Tomb of Domato (soil type wax).Age waruga not be ascertained, as the nation Minahasa was not yet familiar with writing. However, based on various sources, waruga existed before the time of Christianization or prior to the 16th century AD.Waruga consists of two parts, the body and the lid. Cube-shaped body part and the lid shaped like a roof.Waruga serves as a burial container or dead. In the pre-history of the Minahasa people believe that the spirits of ancestors to have magical powers, so that the container tomb and they should be made as beautiful as possible.The most interesting thing is waruga was made by the people who will die. When the man was going to die then he will enter waruga itself made it after being packed tomb selengkapanya. Later when it was done entirely be the good for the people left behind.In North Sulawesi there are many locations that have waruga. What is referred to as the site because it contains objects of cultural heritage. At this time many of these sites are in the township or farm residents.
 Complex waruga now often also called As with Minawanua, Makawale or former hometown. In accordance with the pre-history of the public trust, these sites are mostly located at high altitude. Waruga site in the Minahasa Minahasa regency, especially in the North, among others are in the village of Treman (368 waruga), in the village of Sawangan (144 waruga), Village Airmadidi Down (waruga 80s) and also around the Kaima Village, Village Kauditan, Tumaluntung Village, Village Matungkas , Village Laikit, Likupang Village, Village Kawangkoan Kuwil, Sukur village, Village Suwaan, and there are also elsewhere in Minahasa regency.Landscape North Minahasa district is alluviasi bedrock valley tufa. Alluviasi valley was formed by the erosion of the material results Klabat slopes. Volcanic rocks is providing resources to make waruga.In the waruga (tomb stone coffin) will find a whole range of things, which include human bones, human teeth, stoneware clay, metal objects, swords, spears, beads, bronze bracelets, plates, and other more. From the number of teeth ever found in waruga, allegedly coffin tomb is a tomb for some individual container or can also be used waruga family tomb (common tombs) or a communal grave. Objects stoneware, bronze, plates, beads and other objects accidentally included a provision grave for the dying.